ANOFM approves procedure for canceling budgetary obligations. New facilities for debtors
Numărul 42, 23-29 oct. 2024 » Finance & Economics
ANOFM order no. 1.176/2024 for the approval of the Procedure for canceling some budgetary obligations was published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 1040 of October 16th, 2024.
This procedure applies to the budget obligations administered by the National Agency for Employment (ANOFM) through subordinate public entities with legal personality, respectively the county employment agencies/Municipal Agency for Employment Bucharest (AJOFM/AMOFM) and the regional centers for professional training of adults (CRFPA), and establishes the way of carrying out the activity of canceling some budgetary obligations in accordance with the provisions of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 107/2024 for the regulation of some fiscal-budgetary measures.
Budgetary obligations administered by ANOFM through subordinate public entities mean main budgetary obligations representing debts arising from non-compliance with Law no. 76/2002 regarding the unemployment insurance system and the stimulation of employment, with subsequent amendments and additions, as well as other debts for which, according to the normative acts in force, AJOFM/AMOFM and CRFPA have competences in establishing and recovering, as well as ancillary obligations related to them, established by:
The fiscal facilities granted by ANOFM
ANOFM, through its subordinate public entities with legal personality (AJOFM/AMOFM/CRFPA), grants the following fiscal facilities:
The categories of ancillary payment obligations that, according to the emergency ordinance, may be subject to cancellation are the following:
The debtors express their intention to benefit from the cancellation of some budgetary obligations, respectively the ancillary payment obligations and/or a percentage of the main budgetary obligations, as the case may be, according to the emergency ordinance, by submitting a notification, as follows:
The cancellation of some budgetary obligations is requested by the debtors, including those who have notified AJOFM/AMOFM/CRFPA, based on a request for the cancellation of some budgetary obligations, submitted to the AJOFM/AMOFM/CRFPA registry office or communicated by mail, by registered letter with confirmation of receipt.
The request can be submitted after fulfilling the conditions for granting the cancellation, but no later than November 25th, 2024, inclusive.
(Copyright foto: 123RF Stock Photo)
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