Form (300) "Value added tax return"
Numărul 19, 15-21 mai 2024 » Finance & Economics
NAFA Order no. 888/2024 regarding the amendment of the Order of the President of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration no. 1.253/2021 for the approval of the model and content of the form (300) "Value added tax return" was published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 448 of May 15th, 2024.
Why was it necessary to change the return?
By art. 3, point 46 of Law no. 296/2023 regarding some fiscal-budgetary measures to ensure the financial sustainability of Romania in the long term, starting from January 1st, 2024, the VAT exemption for the operations provided for in art. 294 para. (5) letters a) and b) from Law no. 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code, with the subsequent amendments and additions, made to hospital units in the state network, only the VAT exemption through restitution to non-profit entities remaining in force.
What changes were made in D 300:
● Removal of the following lines from the form (300) "Value added tax return":
- line 14.1 "Deliveries of goods and provision of services exempted with the right of deduction, provided for in art. 294 para. (5) letters a) and b) of the Fiscal Code";
- line 14.2 "Deliveries of goods exempted with the right of deduction, provided for in art. 294 para. (5) letters c) and d) of the Fiscal Code".
To remember! The value-added tax return, provided in the annex to this order, is used starting with the declaration of fiscal obligations related to the month of May 2024.
(Copyright foto: 123RF Stock Photo)
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