Marcel Vulpoi » articole

Legea nr. 49/2024: Obligații și oportunități pentru sectorul agroalimentar

Legea nr. 49/2024: Obligații și oportunități pentru sectorul agroalimentar

Curier legislativ

Marcel Vulpoi

Legea nr. 49/2024 pentru modificarea și completarea Legii nr. 217/2016 privind diminuarea risipei alimentare, publicată în Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 225 din 18 martie 2024, va intra în vigoare la 21 martie 2024. Principalele prevederi: 1. Operatorii economici din sectorul agroalimentar au obligația ...

Nr. 11, 20-26 mar. 2024

NAFA announces the consumer price index used for updating advance payments

NAFA announces the consumer price index used for updating advance payments

Finance & Economics

Marcel Vulpoi

NAFA Order no. 475/2024 on the consumer price index used for updating advance payments on account of annual corporate income tax was published in the Official Gazette, Part I No 248 of 22 March 2024. Single provision: For the tax year 2024, the consumer price index used ...

Nr. 11, 20-26 mar. 2024

Order no 470/2023: format of the Statement regarding the treasury situation

Order no 470/2023: format of the Statement regarding the treasury situation

Finance & Economics

Marcel Vulpoi

Order no. 470/2024 regarding the reporting of information on financing received by legal entities without patrimonial purpose was published in the Official Gazette, Part I no 239 of March 20th, 2024. The main provisions: This order approves the format of the Statement ...

Nr. 11, 20-26 mar. 2024

Law no 49/2024: Obligations and opportunities for the agri-food chain

Law no 49/2024: Obligations and opportunities for the agri-food chain

Finance & Economics

Marcel Vulpoi

Law no. 49/2024 for the amendment and completion of Law no. 217/2016 on reducing food waste, published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 225 of March 18th, 2024, it will enter into force on March 21st, 2024. The main provisions: 1. Economic operators in the agri-food ...

Nr. 11, 20-26 mar. 2024

Order no. 399/2024: Ensuring Romania's long-term financial sustainability

Order no. 399/2024: Ensuring Romania's long-term financial sustainability

Finance & Economics

Marcel Vulpoi

NAFA/AVR/ANPC Order no. 399/2024 for approving the criteria for applying the complementary sanction of suspension of activity, provided for in art. LVI para. (13) from Law no. 296/2023 regarding some fiscal-budgetary measures to ensure Romania's long-term financial sustainability was published ...

Nr. 11, 20-26 mar. 2024

Form 208: New rules for tax on income from the sale of real estate

Form 208: New rules for tax on income from the sale of real estate

Finance & Economics

Marcel Vulpoi

NAFA order no. 253/2024 for the modification of the model, content and filling instructions of form 208 "Informative declaration regarding the tax on income from the transfer of real estate from personal patrimony", approved by the Order of the Minister of Public Finance and the Minister of Justice ...

Nr. 6, 14-20 feb. 2024

eTAX, a new service for submitting declarations on obligations to the Environmental Fund

eTAX, a new service for submitting declarations on obligations to the Environmental Fund

Finance & Economics

Marcel Vulpoi

Order of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests no. 209/2024 regarding the amendment and completion of the Order of the Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of the Environment, no. 572/2019 for the submission of declarations regarding obligations to the Environmental Fund by electronic means ...

Nr. 6, 14-20 feb. 2024

Formularul 208: Noi reguli pentru impozitul pe venituri din vânzarea imobiliarelor

Formularul 208: Noi reguli pentru impozitul pe venituri din vânzarea imobiliarelor

Curier legislativ

Marcel Vulpoi

Ordinul ANAF nr. 253/2024 pentru modificarea modelului, conținutului și instrucțiunilor de completare ale formularului 208 „Declarație informativă privind impozitul pe veniturile din transferul proprietăților imobiliare din patrimoniul personal”, aprobat prin Ordinul ministrului finanțelor ...

Nr. 6, 14-20 feb. 2024

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