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New Accounting Regulations: Treasury Reporting and Minimum Turnover Tax Under the Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 255/2025

New Accounting Regulations: Treasury Reporting and Minimum Turnover Tax Under the Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 255/2025

Numărul 6, 19-25 feb. 2025  »  Finance & Economics

Conf. univ. dr. Marcel Vulpoi, expert contabil

Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 255/2025 on the regulation of certain aspects of accounting reporting was published in the Official Gazette, Part I No. 135 of February 14th, 2025.

Main provisions

I. Statement on the treasury situation:

This order regulates the aspects regarding the format of the aforementioned statement, as well as the conditions for its preparation and submission. Thus, regarding the format of the statement, a format similar to that applicable for the financial year 2023 is proposed.

1. Legal persons without patrimonial purpose that have received amounts representing subsidies, sponsorships, amounts redirected, according to the law, from the profit tax, the income tax of micro-enterprises, respectively from the income tax owed by natural persons, as well as other similar forms of financing, shall prepare the Statement on the treasury situation, in the format provided in Annex No. 1, which is an integral part of this order.

2. Legal persons without patrimonial purpose that, during the reporting financial year, received amounts of the nature of those provided above, in a cumulative amount of maximum 100,000 lei, may use the format provided in Annex No. 2, which is an integral part of this order, to prepare the Statement on the treasury situation.

3. The Statement on the treasury situation shall be prepared and signed by the persons authorized, according to the law, to prepare and sign the annual financial statements.

4. The Statement on the treasury situation shall also be signed by the legal representative, respectively the administrator or the person who has the obligation to manage the legal persons without patrimonial purpose.

Important: The provisions of point I shall apply starting with the annual financial statements related to the financial year of 2024.

II. Amendments to the Accounting Regulations

Premises for the appearance of this order

Regarding the accounting of the minimum turnover tax in the case of a tax group in the field of profit tax the Accounting regulations applicable to economic operators include distinct provisions regarding the accounting by members of a tax group of the profit tax at the level of the minimum turnover tax. However, there are no express provisions regarding the accounting of the total expense with the profit tax at the level of the minimum turnover tax owed by the tax group, as is the case with the accounting of the total expense with the profit tax owed by the tax group.

1. The function of account 697 is changed

Account 697 «Expenses with profit tax at the level of the minimum turnover tax»

This account is used to keep records of expenses with profit tax at the level of the minimum turnover tax, regulated according to the Fiscal Code.

In the debit of account 697 «Expenses with profit tax at the level of the minimum turnover tax» the following is recorded:

- the amount of profit tax at the level of the minimum turnover tax (account 441).

In the case of a tax group in the field of profit tax, defined according to the Fiscal Code, the responsible legal person records in the debit of account 697 "Profit tax expenses at the level of the minimum turnover tax" the total profit tax expense at the level of the minimum turnover tax owed by the tax group.

(Copyright foto: 123RF Stock Photo)

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