New amendments on Intrastat value thresholds for the collection of statistical information on intra-EU trade in goods in 2025
Numărul 45, 13-19 nov. 2024 » Finance & Economics
INS order no. 2353/2024 on Intrastat value thresholds for the collection of statistical information on intra-EU trade in goods in 2025, published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 1101 of November 4th, 2024, it will enter into force on February 1st, 2025.
The main provisions:
- The following Intrastat value thresholds are approved for the collection of statistical information on intra-EU trade in goods for the reference year 2025: 1,000,000 lei for shipments of goods and 1,000,000 lei for introductions of goods, respectively.
- Economic operators who, during 2024, exchanged goods with the member states of the European Union, whose annual value, separately for the two flows, shipments and, respectively, introduction of goods, exceeds the value of the Intrastat thresholds established for the year 2024, must complete and submit to the National Institute of Statistics Intrastat statistical declarations starting from the reference month of January 2025.
- During 2025, other economic operators that carry out intra-EU exchanges of goods, whose cumulative value since the beginning of the year exceeds the Intrastat thresholds for the year 2025, can become Intrastat data providers. These economic operators must complete and submit Intrastat statistical declarations starting from the month in which the cumulative value from the beginning of 2025 of shipments and/or introductions of goods exceeds the established Intrastat thresholds, separately for the two flows.
(Copyright foto: 123RF Stock Photo)
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