New tax breaks on building and land taxes for blood donors and people with disabilities
Numărul 13, 3-9 apr. 2024 » Finance & Economics
Law no. 74/2024 for the amendment and completion of Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code was published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 290 of April 3rd, 2024.
The main changes to the Fiscal Code:
1. Tax on buildings reductions - natural persons
Local councils can decide to grant a percentage reduction of the building tax for natural persons who own a building located in Romania and who provide proof of at least three blood donations during a calendar year, carried out in accordance with the provisions of art. 16 of Law no. 282/2005 on the organization of blood transfusion activity, blood donation and blood components of human origin, as well as ensuring the quality and safety of health, with a view to their therapeutic use, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions.
People with disabilities can benefit from the same percentage reduction of the tax on buildings, provided above.
The reduction can be combined with the 10% bonus granted for early payment of the tax until March 31st of the respective year and is applied to the difference resulting from the deduction of the bonus from the tax owed.
To remember! The exemption or reduction from the payment of the tax/fee, established according to the provisions above, applies starting from January 1st of the year following the one in which the person submits the supporting documents.
2. Land tax reductions – natural persons
Local councils can decide to grant a percentage reduction of the land tax for natural persons who own land located in Romania and who provide proof of at least three blood donations during a calendar year, made in accordance with the provisions of art. 16 of Law no. 282/2005, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions. The norms regarding the admissibility of donors of blood and human blood components, established by order of the Minister of Health, are applied accordingly.
People with disabilities can benefit from the same percentage reduction of the land tax, provided above.
The reduction can be combined with the 10% bonus granted for early payment of the tax until March 31st of the respective year and is applied to the difference resulting from the deduction of the bonus from the tax owed.
To remember! The exemption or reduction from the payment of the tax/fee, established according to the provisions above, applies starting from January 1st of the year following the one in which the person submits the supporting documents.
IMPORTANT! The percentage of the reduction, as well as the supporting documents necessary to prove the performance of the minimum number of blood donations are stipulated in the content of the local council decision establishing the tax reduction granted on the basis of this law.
(Copyright foto: 123RF Stock Photo)
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