The NAFA Order no. 347/2023: Form 098 Registration application for value added tax purposes is waived
Numărul 13, 5-11 apr. 2023 » Finance & Economics
The NAFA Order no. 347/2023 for the amendment of some normative acts regarding registration/cancellation of registration for value added tax purposes was published in the Official Gazette no. 264 of March 30th, 2023.
Form 098 Registration application for value added tax purposes is waived.
The new procedure for registration for VAT purposes of a taxable person, upon establishment
1. The taxable person subject to registration in the trade register, who requests registration for value added tax purposes, submits to the trade register office of the court the Fiscal registration application form, which is an annex to the Trade register application form, having completed the section corresponding to the value added tax.
2. The taxable person who is not subject to registration in the trade register submits the tax registration declaration to the competent fiscal body. In this situation, the tax registration declaration is submitted at the time of the first tax registration, usually on establishment, and the request for registration for VAT purposes is made by filling in the heading Data on the fiscal vector, the Value added tax section of the statement.
The procedure for registration for VAT purposes, if the exemption ceiling is exceeded during the year or if the ceiling is not exceeded, but the taxable person opts for registration.
3. The declaration of mentions is submitted to the competent fiscal body, having completed the column Data on the fiscal vector, the section Value added tax
The declaration requesting registration for VAT purposes (points 2 and 3) is submitted to the registry of the competent fiscal body or communicated by post, with confirmation of receipt, or by electronic means or by electronic remote transmission systems.
The procedure for assigning the VAT code by the fiscal body
After receiving the declaration submitted according to point 2 or 3, the specialized department analyzes the information contained in the declaration and, where applicable, in the presented documentation and verifies their completeness and correctness.
The specialized department draws up the VAT registration certificate, with the date of registration and the assigned VAT registration code.
(Copyright foto: 123RF Stock Photo)
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