The value of cultural vouchers for employees is increased as of April 1st
Numărul 12, 29 mar.-4 apr. 2023 » Finance & Economics
Cultural vouchers granted to employees, monthly or occasionally, to pay for cultural goods and services will have a value of 200 lei/month and a maximum of 400 lei/event for the first half of the year. The order regulating their value was recently published in the Official Gazette (Order no. 1.098/2.748/2023 regarding the establishment of the value of the indexed amount that is granted in the form of cultural vouchers for the first semester of 2023).
The main provisions
For the first semester of 2023, the value of the amount granted monthly, respectively, occasionally, in the form of cultural vouchers, is a maximum of RON 200 /month, respectively a maximum of RON 400 /event.
Note: The nominal value established above also applies to the first 2 months of the second semester of 2023, respectively, August 2023 and September 2023.
Reminder: The previous values (established for the second semester of 2022) were RON 190/month, respectively, a maximum of RON 380/event. These values also apply for the first 2 months of the first semester of 2023, respectively, February 2023 and March 2023.
In conclusion, the new values (RON 200/month, respectively, a maximum of RON 400/event) will apply starting from April 2023.
(Copyright foto: 123RF Stock Photo)
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